Academia, education, Literacy Development

International Day of Education: Shifting the Tides

Education reforms in Nigeria are of paramount importance. The country is undergoing a period of rapid change and the need for individuals to be educated is greater than ever before. But in order to make education more accessible, the reforms must be directed towards providing a better quality of education.

Quality education can be defined as education fit for purpose. An education that is functional and productive.

In order to ensure that all Nigerians have access to quality education, there needs to be a significant improvement in infrastructure. This would mean building new schools in places where there are currently none, as well as improving existing schools so that they function more effectively. It also means providing teachers with the materials needed for their classes so that they can teach properly and engage students fully in learning activities.

Furthermore, there needs to be an increase in funding for educational institutions from both the government and private sector so that they can improve their facilities while providing better services at an affordable price point for families across the country.

Lastly, parents must become involved with their children’s education because most Nigerian parents do not have much knowledge about how schools operate or what students need during their time away from home on weekends or holidays. Education reforms must take into account these facts so that parents will understand what they should expect from their children’s schoolwork daily.

Namse Udosen

Kaduna, 2023
